Website Design

Lampstand Visual Media creates mobile friendly website design in Owen Sound and Grey Bruce.

Every business needs a website!  It’s true. The number one way people search for businesses is online now. More then ever, having a user friendly, mobile friendly, well designed website is the validation that your business needs.

Don’t let price deter you from moving forward.  We offer affordable pricing with payment options to get your business moving in the right direction!

We will help you get your online presence up to speed with a mobile friendly website and can work with you to create the content. We include a ton of extras so your website gets launched properly. Let’s talk today!


  • Custom Design

    Use your branding and colors to design your website.

  • Custom Emails emails to show your professionalism.

  • Custom Domain Name

    Your business name as a URL.

  • Google Business Listing

    Increase your reach with a Google Business Listing.

  • Security

    Rock hard security to protect your files and website.

  • Managed Hosting

    We host your website and keep it’s code updated.

  • Mobile Friendly

    Your website looks good on your desktop or your phone and tablet.

  • SEO

    Fine tuning of your website so search engines can rank you higher.

  • Analytics

    Tracking of website visits so you can make informed decisions.

  • Search Engine Submission

    We submit your website to the major search engines so you get discovered faster.


  • Photography

    Custom photography of your business.

  • Video

    Video has never been easier and more effective.

  • Visitor Data Collection

    Add forms to get valuable customer contact information.

  • Instant Customer Engagement

    Engage with your customers once they visit your site.
